Foam prop burger for tray of fake spilt food for stage performance
Foam prop burger for tray of fake spilt food for stage performance
Burger close up, made from painted foam and felt
Burger close up, made from painted foam and felt
All pieces carved from upholstery foam
All pieces carved from upholstery foam
fries carved from foam and glued into tray
fries carved from foam and glued into tray
"Barbie" box on wheels made from a wood frame and foam board
"Barbie" box on wheels made from a wood frame and foam board
Initial wood frame for structural integrity to be able to hold the performer and be pushed around on stage
Initial wood frame for structural integrity to be able to hold the performer and be pushed around on stage
All pieces are hand-painted
All pieces are hand-painted
Front pieces before being placed on frame
Front pieces before being placed on frame
Initial concept design
Initial concept design
Mushrooms were finished by adding iridescent cellophane as gills and attached to plywood base on wheels.
Mushrooms were finished by adding iridescent cellophane as gills and attached to plywood base on wheels.
Mushroom caps and stems (made from cardboard tubing) covered in plaster to smooth texture, then painted.
Mushroom caps and stems (made from cardboard tubing) covered in plaster to smooth texture, then painted.
Mushroom caps + details made from papier mache
Mushroom caps + details made from papier mache
Base of mushroom caps made from coroplast and reinforced with tape and spray foam insulation
Base of mushroom caps made from coroplast and reinforced with tape and spray foam insulation
Stool built up with spray foam insulation
Stool built up with spray foam insulation
Mushroom stool made made from Ikea stool and coroplast
Mushroom stool made made from Ikea stool and coroplast